Anticipating The Future Of Law

Anticipating The Future Of Law

If you’re a lawyer who spends any amount of time online, you’ll soon discover that the “future of law” has become a cottage industry unto itself. There are professors, pundits, lawyers-turned-consultants, all peddling their version of the...
Conquering Small Talk Anxiety

Conquering Small Talk Anxiety

A couple weeks ago I had two separate new law grads email me asking about networking. I spent about 30 minutes or so talking on the phone with each of them. (Yes, I gave them my number and took time out of my day to speak with them.) They were having problems with the...
Keiko: To Meditate Upon The Old

Keiko: To Meditate Upon The Old

A couple weeks ago, I made a post entitled Goal Are For Losers, commenting on Scott Adams’ essay in the Wall Street Journal, Scott Adams’ Secret of Success: Failure, in which Adams posits: To put it bluntly, goals are for losers. That’s literally true most...