First off, I hope you and your family and friends are staying safe and healthy as we all navigate the monumental moment we find ourselves in with Covid19. The unthinkable is now normal. The economy is frozen, and we are all camped out in our homes for weeks on...
Last month I mentioned that one of my priorities for the year is “attention.” In that vein, here is something for your attention: We are currently 38 days into 2017. That puts us at roughly 10% through the year. More than likely, you set goals for...
Sorry about the delay, folks. The end of July was a little nuts, and it’s taken me a few days to make sure everything’s squared away. Here are the slightly-delayed numbers for July: Clients Referral from other attorneys: 5 Found me online: 2 Referral from area...
So, it’s the big six-month anniversary. How are things looking now versus back in January? Find out after seeing the numbers for June: Clients Referral from other attorneys: 7 Found me online: 2 Referral from area businesses: 1 Came to see me after speaking...
Another month, another batch of numbers. May’s numbers were both encouraging and disappointing. Encouraging because I’m still able to keep my “normal” overhead (regular expenses like rent, malpractice insurance premiums, fax service, etc.) down around $1,000 per...
It’s the first of the month, and you know that that means: time for more numbers! As usual, here’s a bit of context to go with the data: This month’s numbers are skewed a bit thanks to taxes. As a small business owner, I have to withhold my own taxes from my net...