A Stranger’s Judgment

A Stranger’s Judgment

  I’m in Florida on vacation at the moment. Warm sun. Not a cloud in the sky. Crystal clear water. So naturally, to start the vacation off on the right foot, I went out and found a local gym to lift weights. It’s always an interesting experience to be...
Who Owns The Law?

Who Owns The Law?

  I do. I own the law. www.whoownsthelaw.com  If this makes no sense to you (which it really shouldn’t), go look at all the tweets regarding the #reinventlaw conference that is going on now. Or just follow me on Twitter, if you want to see more hashtag,...
Five New Roles For Lawyers in the 21st Century

Five New Roles For Lawyers in the 21st Century

  The 21st century hasn’t exactly been rainbows and ponies for the legal industry. As has been pointed out frequently here and nearly everywhere else, lawyers are facing unprecedented pressures on the profession. This has led to new lawyers adapting and...
Success Without Labor or Effort

Success Without Labor or Effort

  To say that people want rewards without responsibility or effort is a trite observation. But often times it seems as though the problem is growing increasingly worse. For example: Get fit in five days!!!! How To Get Fit With 3 Minutes Of Exercise A Week SIX...