Churchill’s 5 Elements Of Persuasive Speaking

Churchill’s 5 Elements Of Persuasive Speaking

Sir Winston Leonard Spencer-Churchill, famed British Prime Minister during World War II, was not only a noted statesman, but also a gifted student of oration and history. Churchill wrote numerous pieces on history, the English language, and how to develop the skills...
How To Write Interrogatories

How To Write Interrogatories

So far I’ve covered two aspects of discovery drafting: How to Write (Better) Requests for Admissions How To Write (Better) Requests For Production So let’s round it out with the third prong of written discovery requests, interrogatories. Federal...
How To Write (Better) Requests For Production

How To Write (Better) Requests For Production

Lazy lawyers tend to make discovery requests formulaic. They have “stock” or “off-the-shelf” discovery requests they use for almost every case. This make make things easy, but it also means not exercising due diligence when it comes to...
Should Lawyers Ditch Legalese?

Should Lawyers Ditch Legalese?

Here is the difference between winning Olympic vaults, 56 years apart: Here are examples of two contract clauses, 56 years apart. Old: The parties hereto do hereby stipulate and agree that it is their intention and covenant that this agreement and performance...
Book Review: Deep Work

Book Review: Deep Work

Three years ago I reviewed So Good They Can’t Ignore You by Cal Newport. It was one of my favorite books that year and I continue to recommend it to people. Newport has just released his next book, Deep Work: Rules For Focused Success In A Distracted World, and...
How To Write A Good Legal Memo

How To Write A Good Legal Memo

Slight updates/modifications March 2019. Perhaps the most important skill a new lawyer needs to have a firm grasp of is writing. Why? Writing is thinking: It’s simple. The amount of information our brains can fit into our short term memory at once isn’t a lot....