It’s time again for the ABA Journal’s Annual Blawg 100 Web 100. The web has moved beyond blogs and the ABA has as well. Starting last year, the ABA Journal’s annual listing began to include podcasts, social media, and law firm websites (🤢).
Given the dearth of response the must have received, law firm websites were removed as a category. In its place, is a new category “Web Tools.”
- The service is easy to use, whether designed for mobile device, tablet or desktop.
- Features are innovative or best in breed, with significant adoption rates.
- The results are useful, accurate and impactful.
Not sure exactly all what that entails, but it makes me a bit nervous. That could easily turn the list into a vendor extravaganza, instead of a list by lawyers, for lawyers.
Anyway, you can nominate as many people/companies as you want. The Web 100 amici form is here. Who I’m nominating this year:
Law Blogs
Many blogs that I would nominate in this category are already in the Blawg Hall of Fame, and are no longer eligible for inclusion as a regular entry. But here are some others:
- Big Law Investor – Written by Josh, a Big Law associate, Big Law Investor has become a central focal point for financial discussion among lawyers in the past year. Despite it’s name, the site hosts lawyers from all sorts of practices and the discussion is about being smart financially, not only investments.
- Big Law Fail – A comic strip that shrewdly skewers associate life. Nominally Big Law focused, but anyone who has worked in a law firm can recognize many of these situations.
- Financial Panther – Another finance-for-lawyers blog. Written by an ex-Big Law associate turned government lawyer, the site focuses on paying down your debt and developing a side hustle. Given the average debt profile of new lawyers, definitely a blawg to keep track of.
- Jeremy Richter – Jeremy is a fellow Alabama lawyer who does insurance defense work. While many of his posts are related to work at his firm or how to be a better defense lawyer, he also posts on a wide range of other issues of interest to any lawyer or the general public. A history of Anti-Miscegenation statutes or the Trans-Siberian railroad. Deep research and writing worth your time.
- Lawyers & Liquor – Written by the semi-pseudonymous Boozy Barrister. Incredibly NSFW, but also worth a lawyer’s time for a look into the trenches of a small firm practice. Tales of clients, woe, and professionalism (or the lack thereof) abound. And furries. So. Many. Furries.
- Clienting – Hosted by Gyi lotsoconsonants & Kelly Street. They discussing marketing with lawyers around the web. Good food for thought and fun listening.
- Happy Lawyer Project – Hosted by Okeoma Moronu. In-depth conversations with lawyers doing interesting, alternative things with their legal careers.
- Legal ToolKit – Hosted by Jared Correia. Jarred talks with folks in legaltech and the industry at large. Focuses on finding new and interesting tools and technology lawyers might want to incorporate into their practice.
- Make No Law – Hosted by Ken White. Great deep dives into the history of First Amendment case law.
Social Media (really they just mean Twitter)
- Alan Gura – Lawyer, Appellate & Strategic Litigation.
- Alma Asay – Lawyer/founder Allegory. Hardest working woman in legaltech.
- Andrew Arruda – CEO/co-founder Ross Intelligence. Follow if you want to learn about legaltech, A.I in law, and more. Remember: in the future, there will be robots.
- Brian Cuban – Lawyer/author. Brian writes and speaks frequently on addiction and the physically/mental issues that many lawyers face.
- D. Casey Flaherty – Lawyer/consultant. All about that process, yo.
- Daniel Gershburg – Lawyer. Hot takes on the practice of law and the real estate market.
- The Florida Bar – They’ve stormed Twitter with a vengeance and set the tone for how Bar Associations use social media. Learn how to have a strong GIF game here.
- JJ – In-house lawyer. Snark, and views from the in-house world.
- Josh King – (Former) Chief Legal Officer at Avvo. Regularly discusses ethics, advertising, regulations, and more as it pertains to lawyers.
- Josh Lenon – Clio’s “Lawyer-in-Residence.” legaltech, broader industry news, and what’s going on with privacy and regulation in law. Also, the #peasantking.
- Judge Dillard – 30th Chief Judge, Court of Appeals of Georgia. Discusses role of lawyers, professionalism, courtesy, and many other topics of interest to lawyers.
- Marco Randazza – Lawyer, handles prominent 1st amendment cases across the country.
- Sara Randazzo – WSJ Legal reporter. Bringing the Street’s view of the legal industry.
- Shoshana Weissman – Digital media manager for RSI. Regulatory and licensing reform. Also, sloths.
- Zach Abramowitz – Lawyer/founder ReplyAll. Good follow for legal industry news and conversation.
Web Tools
I’m still a little fuzzy on exactly what this means. But two things came to mind:
- BriefCatch – Brief analysis tool from Ross Guberman of Legal Writing Pro. Helps you draft better briefs.
- Lawmatics – CRM, intake, and marketing automation platform designed specifically for law firms from Matt Spiegel. Think Hubspot/Salesforce, but for lawyers.
2018 ABA Journal Web 100
There you have it, my nominations for the 2018 ABA Journal Web 100. If you enjoy the blogs, podcasts, or socials of those in the industry, I’d encourage you to nominate those people. They’re largely doing this in their free time and don’t make a dime off it. This is a good opportunity to show that you appreciate what they’re doing. And if you need inspiration or want to explore even more of the legal interwebz, I maintain the largest online legal resource list that exists.
Addendum: One of the rules of the Web 100 is to not nominate other people on a quid pro quo basis, and to disclose any relationships with those you nominate. I personally know many of the people I nominated above. But after years in the industry, attending conferences, and building relationships, it’s tough to not know many people who are leaders in the industry. That’s the whole point of social media anyway isn’t it? To be able to share and connect with people. If I hadn’t gotten to know many of these people, what a waste of time it would have been.