Do You Need To Have A Red Team?

Do You Need To Have A Red Team?

Litigation can be a battle. You marshal your forces and attack the opposing party. But there is a long lead time from the filing of a lawsuit to the commencement of a trial. During that time you lay out your strategy. How to approach the case, handle witnesses,...
Don’t Settle For Boredom

Don’t Settle For Boredom

It’s the difference between a fixed mindset and a growth mindset. A fixed mindset is intimidated by obstacles, sees effort as fruitless, and takes criticism poorly. A growth mindset embraces challenges, sees effort as a means to achievement, and integrates criticism...
Overcoming Doubt

Overcoming Doubt

I distinctly remember the first time I was hired by a new client. I was nervous as hell. To be perfectly honest, I felt like a fraud. I had done work for new clients before while I was an associate at a firm, but this was this first time someone had specifically...
What Do Firms Look For When Hiring New Lawyers?

What Do Firms Look For When Hiring New Lawyers?

This morning I saw on the Legal Skills Prof Blog that a new paper was released on SSRN by Professor Neil W. Hamilton entitled Changing Markets Create Opportunities: Emphasizing the Competencies Legal Employers Use in Hiring New Lawyers (Including Professional...