So Clio has announced the majority of the speaker line up for its annual event, the Clio Cloud Conference. Yes, #cloud.1This is a in joke for Gyi Tsakalakis. If you don’t have an overabundance of consonants in your name, go back to the top.

What began as a conference for Clio users has grown into one of the premiere #legaltech #legalinnovation2 Just for you Zach. conferences held every year. Every year in the past, it’s been held in Chicago. But this year…it’s in NOLA. And as noted in the Clio post above, I’ll be speaking this year.


In particular, I’ll be talking about the denizens hooligans community in LawyerSlack (which also occasionally spills out onto Twitter). Building a community, finding your tribe. Using technology to build relationships with people. Or maybe I’ll just talk about GIFs and weird viral news stories that get cooked up in Slack before they pour out into the legal media. It’s all rather up in the air at this point. It very well might end up just going like this:

Regardless, it’s going to be fun, you can register here (and if you were in LawyerSlack you would have gotten a significant discount earlier this year). BUT!

I have an issue with an aspect of how Clio has handled the whole speaker process. They’ve been very Canadian polite about the whole process but they have conducted an affront I cannot allow to stand. Upon agreeing to be a speaker, they request that I supply them with a picture for their speaker page. I provided them with a number of photos, and allowed them to select which one they thought best. The pictures are as follows.

Keith Clio Photo Options

Now, it’s clear to me that photos 2, 3, or 4 are the best photos. But if you look at the speakers page, you’ll see that they went with choice #1. I thought I’d be okay with it…but I just can’t let it go. I might as well be Sam Glover with that photo. So I need your help.

We have to let Clio know that they’re starting to go kinda Big Corporate. What was once the scrappy underdog of practice management using some weird new technology called “the cloud,” has now become an industry leader. They’re becoming like, a grumpy old dad. This cannot stand. I need your help in campaigning for one of the alternate photos. We have to Make Clio Cool Again.

You need to bombard the Clio Twitter account with your pick for which photo they should use.Click the below button and you’ll be immediately able to Tweet at them. #makeClioCoolAgain

I have my own choice, but let’s crowdsource this thing, because technology. So go forth and bother Clio. If you’re really ambitious, pull Joshua Lenon and Derek Bolen in on the fun. I don’t want to have to get to the point that we pull CEO Jack Newton, but if we don’t make headway, that’s what we’ll have to do.


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