My book officially releases today. I’d suggest picking it up at Amazon if you want to order it online, although it should be available in most mainstream book retailers. Hopefully there should be a number of reviews coming out in the next few days of the book. A few are already appearing online. I’ll be updating this post over the next couple of days and compiling links to the reviews here.
Also, if you pick up the book and like it, it would be a big favor to me if you could leave a review for the book on Amazon. It might not seem like much, but really helps.
I’d also like to thank everyone who has taken the time to read the book and offer their thoughts on it. Many of the people I sent books to are lawyers who have had significant impact on how I think about law practice. I wouldn’t have been able to write the book without them freely offering their experiences and guidance so freely.
Advance praise:
David Lat, Above The Law
In today’s challenging and rapidly changing legal profession, young lawyers need guidance and advice more than ever. In The Marble and the Sculptor, a very wise and concise book, Keith Lee ranges across many fields, from management to martial arts, to gather insights and tips for his readers. If you’ve spent three years and a small fortune to obtain a law degree, buy this book so you can make the most of your expensive education.
Sam Glover, Lawyerist
Keith Lee has better ideas about what it takes to succeed as a lawyer than many lawyers with more years in practice. The Marble and the Sculptor is full of those ideas, which are exactly the kind of information and advice law students and new lawyers need as they begin their own law practices.
Federal District Judge Richard Kopf
First, Keith can write. Unlike many law books of this or any other kind, the words and sentences are short and the meaning unmistakable. There is a refreshing sense of wide-eyed honesty. Lee is not afraid to reveal himself and by so doing his book comes alive to reveal the machinery that is the practice of law…
Lee tells the truth about law schools and that becomes the perfect introduction to what the practice of law actually entails. Indeed, if law schools wanted to be truthful about what they are selling, they should make every admission seeker certify that before mailing their application they have read Keith’s book. I am perfectly serious.
Eric Turkewitz, New York Personal Injury Attorney Blog
The essence of his book and arguments — although calling this advice on how to navigate the waters of the legal profession an “argument” may be a poor word choice — is that we are the masters of our own destiny, not slaves to the the current economic state of things.
Those who are wondering if they will succeed, or those battling for success, can do something about it. Lee provides some advice and blueprints on how to get there.
I’ve received many books to review that I simply never had the time to read. But I grabbed this one when it came in and I’m glad I did.
Jamison Koehler, Koehler Law Blog
When I started law school back in 2003, I read a number of “how-to” books on going to law school. There are many of them out there with all sorts of advice on outlining cases, preparing for exams, interacting with professors and your fellow students, and so on.
The one book I wish had been available to me back then is something that is being released today through Amazon: Keith Lee’s The Marble and the Sculptor. This insightful book does not just tell you how to do well at law school, although there are plenty of tips on that. Instead, it tells you how to be a good lawyer. In fact, its lessons are applicable to anyone starting a new profession.
Scott Greenfield, Simple Justice
I fully anticipate Keith’s book to join the very select stable of books that form the foundation for new lawyers to transition to the practice of law. For all those lawprofs who claim they want their students to be “practice ready,” this book is a far, far better step toward that unaccomplishable goal than they could ever do on their own. This should be required reading before any student is allowed to graduate from law school. (That’s a hint, prawfs.)
Nathan Burney, The Criminal Lawyer
There is little fluff here. The chapters are short and sweet. He doesn’t repeat himself, but makes his point and moves on. He actually has a lot to say, and he seems impatient to get on to the next bit. This is a good thing.
Of course, you can’t have everything. His focus on concision means less introspection and analysis. He focuses more on the “what” than the “why,” so sometimes his assertions seem a bit conclusory, and at times I felt like I was left hanging…
But this is more than made up for by the good, sound advice that fills page after page of the book. Frankly, there are tons of books out there exploring all the reasoning behind each of his nuggets of wisdom. If you want deeper analysis, you can find it. But if you want a simple, straightforward “what do I need to know? what do I need to do?” then you can’t beat this book right here.
Alex Craigie, At Counsel Table
Keith Lee forces me to revisit the Eastern mind, but to apply that way of thinking to my own chosen profession as a lawyer attempting to practice here, in America. As the rapidly growing blawgosphere demonstrates, pretty much anybody can write about law. The difference in reading Keith Lee is not only that he has something to say, but what he says carries a much larger, often universal import. His how-to manual for newly-minted lawyers would not require much revision to serve as a how-to manual for success in any career, or even in life.
Mark Bennett, Defending People
If you’re a young or aspiring lawyer, you must read this book: The Marble and the Sculptor: From Law School to Law Practice. If you are a recent law-school graduate, a law student, or contemplating law school, make this your first investment in your professional development. Even before you find a mentor, read this book. Mark it up with a red pencil with questions for the mentors you will eventually get.
Edward Bowser,
Mirriam Seddiq, Not Guilty, No Way
You know what else shows in every line of the book – that Keith is different from his peers. Sorry, not sorry. There is advice to be found in this book in droves. This, I think, is a book I would have written just a few years out of school. It is hopeful and powerful and tells you exactly what to do in order to be the best you can be in this profession. Hey old fart, this book isn’t for you. It’s not going to teach you how to fix things once you’ve been in practice for 15 years. That you need to find somewhere else. But, if you are just out of school and are just at a loss on how to get to where you’d like to be, get this book. Just realize that while Keith can lead you to the water, you still have to drink.
Jason Wilson, Vice President Jones McClure Publishing
And for someone nearly 20 years out of law school, I found the read rejuvenating because you can easily get into the habit of forgetting to remind yourself of all the shit you should be doing instead of binging on Breaking Bad on Netflix. Because being the best at your job requires constant education and attention.
Rachel Lusk, Philly Law Blog
Although I am past the law school and Bar studying phase, I can’t help but think “crap, I really know nothing about the practice of law.” However, I leave Keith’s easy-to-read book with the most honest and simple piece of advice I have yet to receive — I am the master of my own success. Keith can’t provide it. My mentors can’t provide it. No one can force me to network or to attend Bar events. But Keith has provided an easy-to-follow map to help me get there