A bit of site news today. I’m happy to announce that LexisNexis has decided to syndicate some of the content on An Associate’s Mind. Specifically, the LexisHub for New Attorneys will be hosting our content. It’s designed to exist as a community portal for new associates who utilize the LexisNexis service, rather similar to An Associate’s Mind really. What does this mean for existing readers of An Associate’s Mind? Not much.
Posts from An Associate’s Mind will always be posted here first exclusively. The LexisHub is also not directly “mirroring” the RSS feed of An Associate’s Mind either, rather I am going to be working with them to see which content from An Associate’s Mind best suits their needs. Full disclosure: I did not solicit this nor am I receiving any form of compensation from LexisNexis. LexisNexis reached out to me as they enjoyed the content on An Associate’s Mind and wanted to expose some of my articles to their audience. I agreed as I would like to continue to grow the audience of An Associate’s Mind and getting exposure on LexisNexis seemed like a great opportunity to do so. If anyone has any thoughts or concerns in regards to this arrangement, please let me know in the comments.
30 Day Report and Review
I had Tweeted last night that I was going to release a data dump/analysis of the first 30 days of traffic, posts, links, referrers, downloads, etc. on An Associate’s Mind today. However, due to being incredibly busy and the volume of data I have to go through, plus the time it takes to put together into something that looks reasonable, I’m not going to be able to get it out until Monday. It’s big. Probably going to be 10 pages or so worth of information. I’ll have a bare bones HTML version that people can look at on the site, but for all the gee-whiz layout, graphs, etc. people are going to need to download the (free) PDF version.