Entry-Level Rebel recently had a post titled 3 Ways to End Your Week on a Positive Note.
The recommendations are as follows:
- Express gratitude for those that went out of their way to help you this week.
- Note your three greatest accomplishments over the past week.
- List your three most important goals for next week.
I have been undertaking #2 and #3 for some time now but had never engaged in #1, so I gave it a try this past week and sent out thank you emails to people who I had been in contact with this past week. I didn’t ask for anything in return, I just genuinely thanked them for for their assistance in the past week.
In return:
- The firm I clerk for was asked to provide the case digest for our practice area to one of the top-three legal-service providers.
- A professor – from a law school that I don’t attend, and had never spoken to before this week- offered to help me with editing and placement of a law review submission I am working on.
Needless to say, expressing gratitude for those that went out of their way to help you this week is going to become part of my weekly routine. However, I look at these results as side-effects. I certainly didn’t go into writing the thank you notes with the goal of some sort of return. Instead I expressed genuine gratitude and wished them well. It made me feel better to highlight and vocalize those that had helped me and in turn it hopefully allowed them to end their week on a positive note.