Don’t Settle For Boredom

Don’t Settle For Boredom

It’s the difference between a fixed mindset and a growth mindset. A fixed mindset is intimidated by obstacles, sees effort as fruitless, and takes criticism poorly. A growth mindset embraces challenges, sees effort as a means to achievement, and integrates criticism...
Book Review: Life After Law

Book Review: Life After Law

This past week I received an advance review copy of Life After Law: Finding Work You Love With the J.D. You Have, by Liz Brown. Brown is a former litigation partner at a large international law firm.  She graduated from Harvard College and Harvard Law School. She...
Focus on Time, Not on Tasks

Focus on Time, Not on Tasks

As I noted a couple of days ago, Forbes recently published a ridiculous listicle of tasks to complete every morning. Do this, do that, run down the checklist. I ridiculed it because (a) it was drop-dead obvious things to do that people should have incorporated into...
Work-Life Balance: Denouement

Work-Life Balance: Denouement

  This past week, I wrapped up the manuscript for my forthcoming book, The Marble and The Sculptor – hence the lack of updates this past week. Not to mention it was a hectic week.  A large brief for an arbitration was due. Spent half a day at a pro bono...