Blawg Review #308

Today is a red letter day…for science. Nearly 60 years ago, James D. Watson and Francis Crick introduced the modern concept of the double helix formation of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA). On this very same day, the Human Genome Project was completed in 2003, which...

Blawg Review on Monday

Just a head’s up, I’ll be hosting the latest round of Blawg Review this upcoming Monday. For the unaware: Blawg Review is the blog carnival for everyone interested in law. A peer-reviewed blog carnival, the host of each Blawg Review decides which of...

Blawg Review 287

Welcome to this week’s Blawg Review. For the unaware, this past week was National Freedom of Speech Week. “In the future days which we seek to make secure, we look forward to a world founded upon four essential human freedoms. The first is freedom of speech and...

Blawg Review #287 Here Monday

So I’ll be hosting Blawg Review again this upcoming Monday. If any readers know of any notable legal related posts (their own or others / blawgs or just another blog touching on interesting legal matters) from the past week or so, please either leave them in the...

Blawg Review #281

So I’m hosting Blawg Review #281 this week. If you’re not familiar with the concept, check out this post for a rundown on what this is about. I wasn’t actually planning on hosting a Blawg Review so soon, I was going to try and get a few more months of “blawging” under...