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Lawyers are in the Business of Building Boundaries

Lawyers are in the Business of Building Boundaries

A brief conversation I recently had with an IP lawyer. She moved in-house to one of her best clients a couple of years ago. For a time she said that things were going well. She recounted how she largely continued to function as she did when she was outside counsel....

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A Criticism of Cynicism

A Criticism of Cynicism

That's the classical etymological origin of the word cynic. Today most people define cynicism as an attitude or state of mind characterized by a general distrust of others' motives.1 And if you spend much...

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I've always been amazed at people who are good listeners. I have a friend who is an amazing listener. When you're speaking with him - it's not a back and forth volley of conversation. He's not waiting for his chance to speak. He's not thinking about something else...

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