Are You a Satiable or Insatiable Lawyer?

Are You a Satiable or Insatiable Lawyer?

I had two interesting conversations this past week with two very different lawyers. One was the founding and managing partner of a firm with 85 lawyers spread across five states. The other is a newly minted partner in a two-man firm in a small town. They had very...
Do You Break The Furniture Rules?

Do You Break The Furniture Rules?

The den in our house has a bit of a weird layout. We have a fireplace to one side and then the entertainment area open to an adjacent side. There are two focal points of interest. But with the way the windows and the rest of the house is laid out out around it, there...
Where Do Lawyers Prefer To Meet With Clients?

Where Do Lawyers Prefer To Meet With Clients?

A few weeks ago I asked lawyers how they preferred to communicate with their clients. The overwhelming response was email. Which completely makes sense. It’s asynchronous, provides a written record, and can include attachments. But sometimes you do need to meet...
Are You Lonely?

Are You Lonely?

I’m sitting in another airport. They blur together after a while. Glass and steel and advertisements. Windswept arcologies of a future that never was. Nashville, Chicago, Atlanta. I’m currently somewhere over the East Coast on my way to Boston. Sitting outside a gate,...
Law Firm Hunters or Farmers?

Law Firm Hunters or Farmers?

Are you a hunter of a farmer? “Keith  – I’m a lawyer, what are you even talking about?” In David Maister’s classic book, Managing the Professional Firm, he makes an observation that most professional firms fall into two categories:...